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The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe


"I always forgive everybody. I believe in second chances. I believe that people change. I feel like it's not fair if you just don't forgive people because how are you supposed to move on with life? There's just no point. You can still forgive someone and not want to talk to them. But I guess I'd say with my mom, I have a really complicated relationship with her, but obviously, it's not going to stop me from being her daughter. Holding that grudge doesn’t really do anything for me." - Ashley Ngo, 11

Ashley Ngo

Kyra Welton, Reporter January 25, 2025

“I'm a scout, and one of my assistant Scoutmasters is John Harrison. He went to Clayton High School. One of the greatest pieces of advice he gave me is that if it's not hard, it's not worth doing. Now, I apply that when doing anything if it's too easy. I try [to overcome] the difficulty or whatever [I do]. If it's too hard, it's perfect.” - Michael Milchanaski, 9

Michael Milchanaski

Noah Clement-Bayard, Reporter January 9, 2025

"I look up to a lot of people, but the number one person I look up to is my mom. She's really strong. When I was younger, I was really bad at most [of] my classes. My mom would step in and try to help me, even though she had a lot of work." - Soluchi Akannam, 9

Soluchi Akannam

Izzy Pratl, Reporter December 17, 2024

"My greatest accomplishment right now is probably making the JV tennis team. [I’ve played tennis for] three years. [Tennis is] very important [to me]. It’s probably my favorite thing to do. I played tennis for about six weeks this summer, and that definitely helped [me to improve]. It was pretty hard to learn how to do the correct serve and everything, but I got there. Yes, [I’m proud of myself for getting on the team]. I was happy, and it’s rare for freshmen to get on varsity. I was glad that there were no cuts because everyone was good enough to make the team. They needed the people. And so I am happy to be part of that community." - Molly Alina Arnold, 9

Molly Alina Arnold

November 14, 2024

"Recently, I've been practicing my violin more, and I enjoy playing with my orchestra. I've been playing since I was two years old. I enjoyed playing when I was in sixth grade because it was one of the first times that I had the opportunity to play in an orchestra with other instruments. Now, I do solo and ensemble work and plan to audition for the All-State and All-Suburban orchestras." - Amelia Henderson, 10

Amelia Henderson

Luke Jeans, Reporter November 4, 2024

"My happiest moments are when I feel proud of myself. Whenever my dad’s proud of me, I always feel good about myself. Also, when my grandparents are proud of me, I feel good. Earlier this summer, I was with two of my friends from Priory. We went on one of their boats for the day; it was the highlight of my summer. We were snagging, and after about a minute and 30 seconds, I got something—it was a big old paddlefish. They both told me it was the biggest paddlefish they had seen. It made me feel cool. I showed my grandpa my catches the next day, and he said it was totally sick. That made me feel cool. Last practice, I was in a race with my senior friend that takes me to practices and strength training. The coach blew the whistle, and I skated real fast and matched his speed. He told me that if I stay low when I’m about to get hit, I can hit back. So, I did, and I got him, took the puck and shot top. I really got him then. Then they cheered, and I felt really cool." - William England, 9

William England

October 29, 2024

"I am most proud of my commitment to the field hockey team. It makes me proud because I put a lot of time and effort into it, and I'm seeing results. When I scored my first varsity goal, I felt so happy. They put me on JV because of my age. It's okay though because I know I feel supported where I’m at. I have support from all of my friends, teammates and my friends' parents, but mostly my best friend's mom, Kelli McGill. When I feel accomplished with something at field hockey, I tell them. When I feel let down at field hockey, I tell them, and I know I will always have someone in my corner to back me up and understand me." - Annabelle Olsen, 9

Annabelle Olsen

Iris Eckrich, Reporter October 25, 2024

"I have yet to truly know myself. Are you more than the shape that people perceive you as? You’ve got to be all alone in your head, so that’s something. I see the world as I am, and you see the world as you are. I think it’s really weird. It took me too long to understand that everyone’s in this life together. But I’ll die in debt trying to repay the world for allowing me to be here." - Vera Ewing, 10

Vera Ewing

October 16, 2024

"Something that I live by is to be honest. I've always stuck to that since I was eight or 10, and my parents really instilled [this in] me. [If I] did something wrong or broke something, for example, when I was younger, I used to like [to] put it on my sister." - Vincent Altamuro, 9

Vincent Altamuro

Charlie Cheatham, Reporter October 15, 2024

"Everybody is so nice [in the U.S.]. I feel like in Poland, everybody is so tired of living a life that is not good. It's so much sad[ness], so much homework. We don't have [computers]; we have just [have notebooks]. It's so much easier here. I have new friends. I have a new life." - Gabi Zielinska, 10

Gabi Zielinska

September 30, 2024

"Today, I ran my cross-country PR. I just started. It is my first time. Two weeks ago, I set my first-ever PR, and I did all right. But yesterday, I beat it by a whole minute. I just like the feeling of success at the end. You know, where you can look back and realize I just did this, the idea of trying my hardest but still taking care of myself." - Logan Nguyen, 10

Logan Nguyen

Luke Jeans, Reporter September 20, 2024

"A lesson I've learned that has stuck with me the most is something that was never told to me but that I learned by myself. I learned that I cannot compare myself to the people around me. I am not my siblings. I am not my friends. Everyone has different lives and things going on. You have no idea about that, so if one day they seem better or worse than you, then they have their reasons. Everyone is doing their best, and that is what matters. I always got sad when my teammates scored more goals or my brother got better grades until I realized that instead of being sorry that I couldn't, I should be happy they could." - Iris Eckrich, 9

Iris Eckrich

September 19, 2024

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