Growing Globe

Open to the beginning of The Globe and you will find a staff list that is 43 percent longer than last year.

Journalism advisor, Erin Castellano, says that this is the biggest staff she has ever had. With 100-plus students now involved in The Globe, the staff has outgrown its meeting space and all-staff meetings are held in the black-box theater.

The Globe is a highly decorated paper. Last year, it won several awards, including the prestigious Gold Crown Award from Columbia University in New York and the Pacemaker from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association.

Senior Managing Editor, Grace Harrison suggests that students are joining The Globe in record numbers “because we are so successful.” However, Harrison also points out that The Globe provides, “a way to pursue journalism skills and also to find a community … people on The Globe are awesome.

Sophomore Misheel Sodgerel has a simpler explanation for why she joined the ranks of reporters. She says she just likes writing.

The increase in the number of reporters will mean more work for the editorial staff. Harrison believes that although the increase will weigh a little bit heavier on the leadership team, more reporters means a better paper.

“It’s really exciting to have all these growing numbers,” Harrison said.

Castellano echoed Harrison’s sentiments.

“I’m hoping we can be adaptable and excited about the possibilities,” Castellano said. “[It is] potentially an opportunity for an increased collaboration with people.”

Despite the increase in staff size, Castellano said that she is going to, “wait and see how things go before making anything decisions about the length of the paper or the frequency of publication.”

All articles are routinely published online and can be found at the Globe website  Castellano also gave some advice to her large team of writers, “focus locally, that’s where the ticket is. Talk to people. Do interviews and put yourself out there.”